Friday, 3 August 2012

Friday Hops

I just want to start off this post by saying a really big sorry!!! I kind of just disappeared from the internet for a while without saying anything, but I'm back now, kind of(i'll explain in a minute). I've been a bit ill recently so that meant no technology for me, it was horrible. Blogging withdrawal symptoms are not nice, but I'm better now so I'll be blogging again! 

However, Tuesday I'm going on holiday to America for three weeks. I'll try to make as many posts as possible but there probably won't be many of them because I really don't think my dad will appreciate it if I'm glued to a computer screen at every chance I get haha....

I hope you can bear with me and keep following, I promise I'll be blogging constantly ASAP! 


Q: Do your reading habits change based on your mood? Do you read a certain genre if you are feeling depressed or happy?

YES. This is me all over. I do it with everything really, music, food. It's sad to say my emotions rule me. 

When I'm sad I always always always read Kate Le Vann books. Maybe I should read happier books to bring my mood back up (theory of the four humours anyone?) but I don't. I think I just like to let myself wallow in self pity for a while & Kate Le Vann is perfect for that!

Also every song on the Vampire Diaries soundtrack and chocolate, lots of chocolate. This is my sad recipe, guaranteed to get all the crying out the way.


I'm trying to think of books I pick up when I'm happy (which I like to think is most of the time) but I can't really say there's anything particular I read. I could read something really depressing and it wouldn't get me down. I do listen to loads of happy music though, mainly Jack Johnson just to keep me in that feel good mood :)

So, what about you guys?? Do your moods dictate what you read? I'd love to know! Sorry again for my little hiatus :( 


  1. Hey! Your blog is adorable and I love the design! Fellow teen sufferer in rainy UK over here! ;)
    New follower. Drop by sometime. :)

    1. Thank you and whey! What is up with the weather??

      Thanks for following :) I'll drop by soon!

  2. Good answer and super cute blog! Enjoy your holiday in the land of my people!!

  3. I have to be in an specific mood to read some kinds of genres.

    I'm a new gfc follower. :)

  4. Love your blog design! New GFC follower!

    Here is my FF post:

  5. New follower!

    I also have a go-to author when I'm not feeling my best: Stephen King. LOL I know, strange.

    1. Haha, I've never read one of his books! I'm too much of a wuss...

  6. You know, I don't think my mood affects the books I read, but it definitely works vice-versa. If I'm happy and giddy, I'm far more likely to try a contemporary book :)

    Great answer this week! I'm your newest follower :)

    1. Yeah, I'm definatley in the mood for contemporaries when I'm happy :)

      Thanks for following!

  7. I love the title of your blog.. tres cute!

    I hope you have a great Friday! New Follower..
    Ashley @ #BookNerd

    1. Thank you! :) Thanks for following too :)

  8. Thanks for following me and I followed you back :)

  9. I have books that I always go back to when I need a book friend too.

    My follow friday. Please visit! New follower!

  10. Hi there!
    New follower here. :)
    Here's my FF/TGIF.
    Have a great day!

  11. Yeah me too. My emotions rules my reading habits.
    New Follower.
    Follow back?
    My FF

  12. Ruled by emotions, aren't we all. Followed. Nice answer. Happy hopping!


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